Month: June 2012

  • Trekathon 401: Alliances (VOY)

    Voyager tries to make an agreement to stop Kazon attacks. This picked things up a notch for me. It was messy, political, and enough action to keep the plot moving along. But it also felt like an episode from a different Voyager, one with more ongoing plots and less week-to-week stories. It’ll be interesting to…

  • Trekathon 400: Prototype (VOY)

    B’Elanna becomes obsessed with a robot found floating in space. For the most part a big ‘meh’. B’Elanna’s desire to help seems to come more out of ‘hey, look what I can do’ rather than any ethical connection. This issue has been done time and again by TNG, and so the only novel element here…

  • Trekathon 399: Paradise Lost (2) (DS9)

    Things go from ‘changeling infiltrators’ to ‘civil war’ pretty quickly. This story would have been completely unimaginable only 5 years ago. Previously the rule had been ‘Star Fleet can do no wrong’. Now we can have some parts of Star Fleet try to conduct a coup. It makes for a good story, but it’s resolved…

  • Trekathon 398: Homefront (1) (DS9)

    The changelings turn up on Earth, and Sisko and Odo have to go help out. You never quite know when you are going to get a case of the plot holes. You know, when you cannot watch something without seeing all the plot problems that, usually, you would just let slide. It can be a…

  • Trekathon 397: Resistance (VOY)

    Janeway has to rely on a delusional resistance fighter to rescue Tuvok and B’Elanna. Overall a miss for me. The episode tries to do something a bit deeper with the delusional man insisting that Janeway is his daughter. But the arc of the episode (denial, compliance, acceptance at the end) is too obvious. And while…

  • Trekathon 396: Our Man Bashir (DS9)

    Bashir infringes on James Bond’s trademarks. OK, this is getting a bit silly now. We’ve had a Submarine movie, a 50s Science Fiction movie, an Indiana Jones movie, and now a James Bond movie. Perhaps someone needs to at least find a new section of the DVD store to rip off plots from for a…

  • Trekathon 395: Maneuvers (VOY)

    Seals returns, staging a raid on Voyager. So far Voyager has been fairly free of recurring villains, or much in the way of external plot drivers at all. This episode, and in particular the ending, represents a significant change in that. Fortunately Seska is a pretty interesting villain, although her motivations are pretty opaque. None…

  • Trekathon 394: The Sword of Kahless (DS9)

    Worf and Dax go hunting for the Sword of Kahless with another Klingon warrior, Kor. A huge chunk of this episode is basically that episode from the Simpsons where several kids by a comic book together. They find something really precious. There’s a lot of fighting over who gets to keep it, and it ends…

  • Trekathon 393: Cold Fire (VOY)

    Kes finds a sideline as a psychic firestarter, as Voyager finds a potential way home. So far we’ve seen a few times where the seemingly light Kes shows a dark side. I’m hoping it’s real character development rather than just a grasp for a useful contrast. Here it works, as you get the sense that…

  • Trekathon 392: Little Green Men (DS9)

    Quark, Nog and Rom end up in Roswell in 1947. Grading against the curve for Ferengi episodes this was excellent – only a couple of scenes that made me want to kick things, and for the most part a fairly fun story. It’s a very silly premise, but the earnestness of the performances of the…