52/30/5 Week 30

For the first time in many months, I am actually up to date and posting the photos within the week they’re for. Week 30 took me to the [Carillion](http://www.nationalcapital.gov.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=233:national-carillon&catid=57:ql-menu-visiting&Itemid=198) in Lake Burley Griffin.

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The Carillion was a gift from the UK Government in 1970. Living only 2km or so from it was incredibly annoying, as the bells are played very frequently.

Carillion I

Carillion II

Carillion III

A view of the lake from the Carillion:

Lake Burley Griffin

And a willow tree suffering from winter:

Naked Willow

The [full set](http://www.flickr.com/photos/exasperated/sets/72157621711816793/) is on Flickr. And more to come next week.




