Time Management

I haven’t had a very clean period on the blog since the start of the year – sorry everything’s been erratic. Initially I was going to plead ‘not enough time’, but that’s not really true.

It’s really about time management. And a lack of proper capital use.

In particular, it’s about a very silly bit of my IT setup at home.

As those who’ve met me know, I’m a little ‘over extended’ in the gadget front. In particular, I tend to watch TV/movies streamed from my computer. Or, to be more specific, streamed from the external hard drive attached to my laptop.

Those following along can probably already see the problem – the best bit of down time each evening, the opportunity to write a blog post or two (or just catch up on other blogs) is while I’m watching TV, but my laptop is tethered to my office setup and is unavailable…

Silly, really.

Anyway, I make no promises about blogging more often. But I’ve now switched the setup over to stream TV and movies from my other computer, and so now I’ve got a laptop to use while I’m watching TV.

(I also could buy myself a nice [new laptop](http://www.apple.com/au/macbookair/) I suppose).




