Author: robert
Tower of Babylon 014: Signs and Portents
I had high expectations for this, the second of the episodes with the big ‘woah’ moments. And it lived up to it. There’s a great mix of consequential action and also advancement of the arc. The Morden part of the episode is still the star. Ed Wasser puts in an incredible performance that is polite,…
Trekathon 919: Red Directive (DIS)
DISCO is back! Spoilers.
Trekathon 914-918: Very Short Treks Season 1 & Season Review
Actually strike that – five quick bites before a rest. Spoilers.
Trekathon Series Review: Lower Decks, Season 4
Caught up again, but only because of a bit of a hiatus.
Trekathon 913: Old Friends, New Planets (LD)
Lower Decks wraps up season 4. Spoilers.
Trekathon 912: The Inner Fight (LD)
Fewer flutes, more fists? Spoilers…
Trekathon 911: Caves (LD)
Ah, the Star Trek cave set. Classic. Spoilers.
Trekathon 910: A Few Badgeys More (LD)
You can’t handle the Badgey! Spoilers.
Trekathon 909: Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place (LD)
A Ferengi episode. Those always go well. Spoilers.
Trekathon 908: Empathological Fallacies (LD)
Pretty sure that’s not a real word. Spoilers.