Author: robert
Trekathon 928: Life, Itself (DIS)
The very final episode of Discovery. Spoilers
Trekathon 927: Lagrange Point (DIS)
Torn between a joke about orbits and a joke about pointing. Well, I guess they balance themselves out. Spoiler.
Trekathon 926: Labyrinths (DIS)
Not sure if they should do this sequel without David Bowie. Spoilers.
Trekathon 925: Erigah (DIS)
Not many episodes use the sound I make when standing up after a long day as an episode title. Spoilers.
Trekathon 924: Whistlespeak (DIS)
What’s that Flip? Timmy’s down a well? Spoilers.
Trekathon 923: Mirrors (DIS)
Please, not a mirror universe story. Spoilers.
Trekathon 922: Face the Strange (DIS)
I’m pretty sure ‘The Strange’ is a strain of pot, so this could get craaazy… Spoilers.
Trekathon 921: Jinaal (DIS)
Don’t you steal my man Jinaal! Spoilers.
Trekathon 920: Under the Twin Moons (DIS)
Two episodes in one day and Twin Moons in the title? Spoilers.
Tower of Babylon 015: Grail
An upside surprise of an episode. I’d remembered this as being a pretty silly episode. By all rights an episode about a psychic alien versus someone seeking the holy grail shouldn’t work. But somehow it does, because those things are treated in the show seriously, but also as being beyond the normal bounds of what…