Trekathon 599: Memorial (VOY)

Returning from an away mission, some of the crew have memories of a massacre they participated in.

Voyager is a very frustrating show. Sometimes it picks up the easiest plots, and puts barely any effort into turning them into shows. And then sometimes it decides to try and dig in to incredibly difficult and touchy terrain. There are some vague similarities to *Remember*, but that’s more about a long suppressed event being discovered. Here it’s about how we recognise and continue to mark difficult parts of history. It’s not really very far fetched – the idea of any good memorial is to make you relive in some way the events of the time. And they can be incredibly confronting (see the US Holocaust Memorial, for instance, or one of my favourites, the [Paris Holocaust Memorial](émorial_des_Martyrs_de_la_Déportation) on the Seine).

It would have been better perhaps to spend a bit more time in the final act dilemma, dealing with the issue of repairing the memorial or not, because we spend so much time seeing the ‘memories’ of the different away team members that we never really have a chance to see their full reaction to what’s happened.

599 down, 138 to go.



