Month: February 2008

  • Coming Soon: The Bank Job

    [The story of one of the greatest heists of all time]( I love a good heist movie, and this one looks like it has some fun conspiracy theory stuff added on over the top of it all.

  • 2007 Game in Review

    For some reason, I played quite a few computer games in 2007. Aftering buying a [Wii]( in 2006, I got an [XBox360]( and [PS3]( to go along with it. And a few games as well. Over the next few months I’ll do a series of game reviews (and there’s likely to be a fair gap…

  • Coming Soon: Superhero Movie

    [The latest take-off from the makers of *Scary Movie* and *The Naked Gun*]( If you have any thought that it’s possible for these people to be funny, watch the trailer. It’s one of the most horrible things I have **ever** seen.

  • The most distracting table ever

    [A table with built in marble runs]( Please buy me one of these, work. I promise I won’t be completely distracted by shiny marbles all day long.

  • Cultural differences

    [How different cultures around the world count money]( Someone once demonstrated that differences in the way people rolled cigarettes were driven by tax policy. It’s probably the same here.

  • Innovation in teaching

    [Using lies to engage students]( I think this is a good idea. But maybe I’m lying…

  • Making Garfield funny again

    [The comic Garfield with everyone but the character Jon deleted]( It’s incredible, really. It totally transforms the comic, but it still works.

  • Hands up if you can see the problem

    [Net Neutrality]( is one of the biggest hot button issues among the nerd illuminati of the Internet right now. The simple question is whether all internet bits are equal, or should ISPs be allowed to privilege some bits (from their customers or people who pay them) over others. There are some side issues here, but…

  • Coming Soon: Married Life

    [A dark comedy about a man who decides that in order to stop his wife suffering when he leaves her, she has to die]( Looks beautifully acted, should be quite good.

  • The Silence of the Bears

    [What happens if you put a Gummi Bear into molten potassium chlorate]( Hannibal Lecter would be proud.