In the rest of this entry are the pictures from when I got my shiny new [Wii](
back in December. I didn’t post the pictures at the time due to my laptop
explosion. Warning: only geeks will care.
For the rest of you: the Wii is great fun, and I wish I had some more
time to play it. It’s a large part of the reason that I haven’t
been posting to the blog as much lately. And the Zelda game is just
fantastic fun.

I got back from EB Games about 12:30am.

This is what I bought. Clockwise from top left: extra nunchuck controller, classic controller, Wii Play controller pack, Zelda: Twilight Princess game, Rayman: Raving Rabbids game, the “free” bag that came with the pre-order.

Opening the box, there are two trays inside.

The top tray contains Wii Sports and the controllers. Note the included batteries – bless all companies that include the batteries in the box.

The bottom tray contains the actual Wii unit, the stand, the sensor bar and the power supply.

The sensor bar, used to work out where the controller is relative to the TV. Pretty small – bit over a hand length.

The stand, so the Wii can be displayed proudly for all to see.

The Wii unit next to the stand.

All plugged in and ready to go.